Fraction is a part of a whole, for example 1/2. Equivalent fractions are fractions that look different but show the same amount. Improper fractions have numerators that are higher than the denominator, while mixed fractions contain whole numbers and fractions.
In order to compare fractions, you need to change them so they have the same denominator. Fractions can be converted into decimals. You need to be able to work out a fraction of a given quantity.
Fractions of a quantity
How do we find 3/5 of 20?
Method 1 is to find 1/5 of 20, then multiply by 3.
1/5 of 20 is 20 ÷ 5 = 4.
We need 3/5 of 20, so we multiply 4 by 3.
3/5 of 20 = 4 × 3 = 12.
you can put this in your calculator:
3/5<span> × 20 = </span>3/5<span> × </span>20/1<span> = </span>60/5<span> = 12</span>
A really out of focus picture, but I think this might be what you want.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Given : A new catalyst is being investigated for use in the production of a plastic chemical. Ten batches of the chemical are produced. The mean yield of the 10 batches is 72.5% and the standard deviation is 5.8%. Assume the yields are independent and approximately normally distributed.
To find : A 99% confidence interval for the mean yield when the new catalyst is used ?
Solution :
Let X be the yield of the batches.
We have given, n=10 ,
, s=5.8%
Since the size of the sample is small.
We will use the student's t statistic to construct a 995 confidence interval.

From the t-table with 9 degree of freedom for 

The 99% confidence interval is given by,

Answer: =17x
Step-by-step explanation: hope this help, hope you understand it too.
Let's simplify step-by-step.
Combine Like Terms:
4m-8=24 distributive property
add 8 to each side
divide each side by 4