increase, decrease
In simple words, when the tax was imposed on the product the company will ultimately bear it to the final consumer which means the price will rise. However when the price of the product rises the demand for that product decreases due to the fact that many individuals would not be able to buy it now from their limited income, this phenomenon is called price elasticity due to income.
The Answer would be D. This is because Zeke learned how to market his lemonade stand and was able to make sales while providing a service. The same thing he did in order to fundraise for his class.
Hope this helps :)
ABSTRACT. Without a massive survey of U.S. employers, it is impossible to estimate or describe the full spectrum of those who provide occupational safety and health (OSH) services to the U.S. workforce. However, it was possible to assemble a description of the four traditional or core OSH professions (occupational safety, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, and occupational health nursing) as well as three other disciplines likely to play a substantial role in the workplace of the future: employee assistance professionals, ergonomists, and occupational health psychologists.
Although each of the four traditional OSH professions emphasizes different aspects of OSH, members of all four professions share the common goal of identifying hazardous conditions, materials, and practices in the workplace and assisting employers and workers in eliminating or reducing the attendant risks. Occupational safety professionals, although concerned about all workplace hazards, have traditionally emphasized the prevention of traumatic injuries and workplace fatalities. Similarly, industrial hygienists, although they do not ignore injuries, have been a source of special expertise on the identification and control of hazards associated with acute or chronic exposure to chemical, biological, and physical agents. Occupational health nurses and occupational medicine physicians are distinguished by providing clinical care and programs aimed at health promotion and protection and disease prevention. These services include not only diagnosis and treatment of work related illness and injury, but also pre-placement, periodic, and return-to-work examinations, impairment evaluations, independent medical examinations, drug testing, disability and case management, counseling
The correct answer is option C.
n economics, we know that the basic problem is the scarcity of resources. These resources have alternative uses. We have unlimited wants and needs. Whenever we decide how to use scarce resources to satisfy our wants and needs, we face a trade-off.
We cannot satisfy all our wants and needs, if we want to satisfy one we have to sacrifice the other. Anytime a person decides to take any action, he/she faces trade-offs. Every individual regardless of his wealth and income is faced with making trade-offs.