Webmasters monitor the server to be sure it is running,Some webmasters decide what kind of computer will hold a websites information ,Some webmasters abuse other sites by exploiting their comment fields.
That is false, Pinterest is a free website that anyone can join!
The answer to this question is "15 line".
A function is a block of ordered, portable code used to perform a single, connected operation. The syntax of function declaration can be given as:
Syntax :
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2); //function prototype
or declaration
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2) //function definition or header of the function
//function body.
//function implementation
//return value;
In the given question the header of the showDub function is on line 15.
That's why the answer to this question is "15 line".
5 bit unsigned binary number is from 0 to (25-1) which is equal from minimum value 0 (i.e., 00000) to maximum value 31 (i.e., 11111).