A houseplant is usually small, and darkly colored, whereas an outdoor plant will usually have a brighter color and will more likely to grow in size. Most plants prefer a temperature of around 76-93 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning if you like your house to be cool, your plants' growth could be stunted.
Meiosis differs from mitosis in the number of chromosomes in each ending cell. In addition, one of the purposes of meiosis is to reduce the chromosome number in each cell by half and meiosis contains two rounds of division which is meiosis I and meiosis II and ends with four gametes that are not the same genetically.
science can answer only mathmatical questions
Answer: Spermatogenesis begins at birth and continues throughout a man's life.
The process in which
haploid spermatozoa develop from germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of the
testis is known as Spermatogenesis. Thus, the process of spermatogenesis start
with mitotic division of the stem cells that is located close to the basement
membrane of the tubules. However, a mature male gametes known as sperm but it
is commonly known as spermatozoa.