Abraham Gesner, geologist, author, chemist, inventor .
Gesner invented kerosene oil and, because of his patents for distilling bituminous material, was a founder of the modern Petroleum Industry.
Orator: is a person that demonstrates outstanding skill and power as a public speaker.
State's rights: is the belief that the country was founded by and for the states, and where each state keeps final power for itself.
Tariff: is a tax or duty on goods brought from a foreign nation
Nullification: is the act of canceling something, when one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the first thing
Great Debate: was between Senator Hayne of South Carolina and Senator Webster of Massachusetts on the topic of protectionist tariffs
Ancient Rome achieved many great accomplishments that have infl uenced numerous cultures. Elements of Roman law have been adopted by various governments, including the United States. Roman literature, such as the Aeneid, is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural infl uence , is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural influence of the Roman development of the arch, a supporting structure in building construction that could carry a lot of weight
There are 9 spanish-speaking countries in South America.