president johnson deserved to be removed from office because he violated current legislation
Johnson was impeached on February 24, 1868 by the United States House of Representatives. The reason for the impeachment was Johnson's violation of the felony and misdemeanor law. Under this law the president could only remove individuals from office in the executive cabinet if the senate agreed to the dismissal. Johnson dismissed Edwin M. Stanton without consulting the Senate and therefore violated a law and deserved to be ousted as president.
Johnson was impeached on February 24, 1868 by the United States House of Representatives. The reason for the impeachment was Johnson's violation of the felony and misdemeanor law. Under this law the president could only remove individuals from office in the executive cabinet if the senate agreed to the dismissal. Johnson dismissed Edwin M. Stanton without consulting the Senate and therefore violated a law and deserved to be ousted as president.
Johnson was impeached on February 24, 1868 by the United States House of Representatives. The reason for the impeachment was Johnson's violation of the felony and misdemeanor law. Under this law the president could only remove individuals from office in the executive cabinet if the senate agreed to the dismissal. Johnson dismissed Edwin M. Stanton without consulting the Senate and therefore violated a law and deserved to be ousted as president.
Johnson was impeached on February 24, 1868 by the United States House of Representatives. The reason for the impeachment was Johnson's violation of the felony and misdemeanor law. Under this law the president could only remove individuals from office in the executive cabinet if the senate agreed to the dismissal. Johnson dismissed Edwin M. Stanton without consulting the Senate and therefore violated a law and deserved to be ousted as president.
hope it helps :):):)
The Dust Bowl was caused by several economic and agricultural factors, including federal land policies, changes in regional weather, farm economics and other cultural factors. After the Civil War, a series of federal land acts coaxed pioneers westward by incentivizing farming in the Great Plains.
Andrew Jackson (democratic) and John Quincy Adams (republican)
If there's a fire in Ninth, Tenth, or Eleventh Street, for example, any hour of the day or night, I'm usually there . . . . If a family is burned out I don't ask them whether they are Republicans or Democrats and I don't refer them to the Charity Organization Society, which would investigate their case in a month or two and would decide they were worthy of help about the time they are dead from starvation. I just get [a place to live] for them, buy clothes for them . . . and fix them up till they get things runnin' again."
Their political loyalty
George Washington Plunkitt was a politician known for his membership and a leader of the Tammany Hall political organization. He was also known for his time and exploits at the New York state legislatures. In his Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, George Washington Plunkitt specifically made the above statement in the hope to get the political loyalty of people.
The contributions of African Americans for the Union war effort in the Civil War pushed the federal government, controlled largely by the republican party, to exchange the course of action and affected the consequences which included but were not limited to the amendment of the constitution to give certain rights to african americans.
I really hope this helps you a ton!