The battle takes place in an underwater cave; Beowulf wins.
After killing Grendel, Beowulf moves on to kill another monster - Grendel's mother. She lives in a cave under the lake and Beowulf goes there to fight her. Ultimately, after a very long fight, he manages to grab hold of a giant sword within the cave and pierces the monster's skin. As a result, Grendel's mother dies and Beowulf emerges victorious.
Observation is a very important part of science. It lets us see the results of an experiment, even if they are not the results we expect. It lets us see unexpected things around us that might stimulate our curiosity, leading to new experiments. Even more important than observation is accurate observation. Often, our eyes and our brains play tricks on us, letting us see what we expect to see, instead of what is actually there.
D. Elisa takes great care of the things she loves, like her garden. She dug trenches, trimmed off the leaves of each one, and laid them in an orderly pile.