What is your gender?
let's first look at the case where you are female:
my daughter's mother would then be... just you.
so then you are Theresa's daugher!
if you are male then
your daughter's mother is your wife (let's assume for now)
so Theresa's daughter is your wife,
and Theresa is your mother-in-law and you are her son-in-law.
This is all assuming the "traditional family"; in a non-traditional family you would just be the father of her grandchild, nothing else, and probably she would refer to you just with a name..
Vincent Van Gogh was the most well-known post-impressionist artist born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert. For him, colors were the symbol of expression. He was a missionary at his young age, who was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence.
Starry Night is one of the famous painting by Van Gogh. Historians say that Van Gogh painted Starry Night when he was in mental hospital. Some theologians try to interpret his Starry Night in religious terms as Van Gogh was also religious. It is said that he painted this picture having a picture of Genesis 37:9 in mind in which Biblical Character Joseph sees a dream,
"Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, saying, "Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me."
Van Gogh in his painting also paints Eleven stars and the sun and the moon. With this interpretation in my mind Van Gogh made stars accessible in a way that just like Joseph's dream came true at the end of Genesis, one's dreams can also become true if we continue to believe in it despite the situation.
A blimp needs to be moored when not flying because plenty of space is needed so the blimp has to be free. They have to be moored by the front end to a tall mast on a truck specially equipped for this purpose.
I have Aviation History so I kinda of undertsnd.
Answer: When I felt my wings were ready, slid from our home branch as smoothly as a snake through the grass.
Explanation: This sentence is comparing two different things to each other and it uses the word as. A simile must have the word like or as in it, otherwise it is a metaphor.