Market economies are based on market forces like supply and demand. Mixed economies fall in the middle of market and command economies (where economic choices are governed by some central entity usually the government). The former Soviet Union (USSR) is an example of a command economy where economic choices (what to buy, sell and produce) where made by the government. If Australia is becoming more of a market economy and less of a mixed economy, fewer decisions are made by the government. Here's a diagram of two major types of economies:
Command Economy <-------------- Mixed Economy --------> Market Economy
(Government makes the decisions) (A little of both) (Individuals decide)
Compass Rose!!I hope this helped
Most Living organisms breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide so looking at the phrasing it appears to be false.
A: A command economy<span> is one in which a centralized government controls the means of production. ... There are </span>advantages<span> and disadvantages of </span>command economy<span> structures. </span>Command economy advantages<span> include low levels of inequality and unemployment and the common good replacing profit as the primary incentive of production.</span>