The Conscription Act of 1863 exacerbated tense relationships. This act made all white men between the ages of twenty and forty-five years eligible for the draft by the Union Army. Free African American men were permitted to "volunteer" to fight in the Civil War through the provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation. However, African American men were not drafted or otherwise forced to fight. In addition, white men with money could illegally bribe doctors for medical exemptions, legally hire a substitute, or pay for a commutation of a draft. The less affluent could not afford to pay for deferments. The inequities in draft eligibility between African Americans, monied whites, and working-class whites, of whom many were Irish, increased racial tensions.
Several cities suffered draft riots in which enrollment officers and free African Americans were targeted for violence. The largest such incident began on June 11, 1863, in New York City when more than 100 people were murdered by an angry mob. After burning down a draft office and attacking police officers and well-dressed whites, this mob of white workers, including many Irish Americans, focused its energy on killing African American bystand Avenue
The Conscription Act of 1863 exacerbated tense relationships. This act made all white men between the ages of twenty and forty-five years eligible for the draft by the Union Army. Free African American men were permitted to "volunteer" to fight in the Civil War through the provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation. However, African American men were not drafted or otherwise forced to fight. In addition, white men with money could illegally bribe doctors for medical exemptions, legally hire a substitute, or pay for a commutation of a draft. The less affluent could not afford to pay for deferments. The inequities in draft eligibility between African Americans, monied whites, and working-class whites, of whom many were Irish, increased racial tensions.
Several cities suffered draft riots in which enrollment officers and free African Americans were targeted for violence. The largest such incident began on June 11, 1863, in New York City when more than 100 people were murdered by an angry mob. After burning down a draft office and attacking police officers and well-dressed whites, this mob of white workers, including many Irish Americans, focused its energy on killing African American bystanders.
Because Wilson could not get enough support from senate.
They are very common in terms of their lived in dome-shaped houses and they also uses seal and otter skins to produce warm, weather proof clothing, and others etc.
<h3>What did Native American tribes have in common?</h3>
The Native Americans in all of North America are known to have some measures of similarities.
Note that the groups or nation are said to speak the same language, and thus they all are said to be were organized.
Learn more about similarities from
I think its the answer would be c ) they wanted to fight each other instead of Europeans
ENGLISH:As a result, for the most part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures. They provided an outlet for England's surplus population and (in some cases) more religious freedom than England did, but their primary purpose was to make money for their sponsors.
Como resultado, en su mayor parte, las colonias inglesas en América del Norte eran empresas comerciales. Proporcionaron una salida para el excedente de población de Inglaterra y (en algunos casos) más libertad religiosa que Inglaterra, pero su propósito principal era hacer dinero para sus patrocinadores.