The fossil record of Antarctica shows the presence of tropical plants, such as one particular species related to the present day breadfruit. Most plants cannot survive in prolonged temperatures of less than 6 degrees Celsius. Antarctica is freezing all year round and could only have supported tropical and sub tropical plants if it was once much closer to the equator.
The presence of fresh water species also suggest that the continent was closer to the equator. Antarctica is frozen solid with a thick ice sheet.....rivers would be frozen solid all year round or would be limited to water movement under glaciers that melt as a result of pressure and friction. This environment is not suitable to support large fresh water organisms.
The two types of waste in the cellular respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
The cell structure is the plasma membrane also known as the cell membrane.
The plasma membrane is the thin coat of lipids (phospholipids) that surrounds and encloses a cell, also can be called the cell membrane
In order for natural selection to take place we must have "variety in a population". This variety of traits is what allows natural selection to "pick" the most favorable traits.
Attached to the packaging of a food shipment