1. Honeymoon stage
2. Distress and anxiety
3. Adjustment
4. Adaption
5. Re-entry shock
import numpy as np#importing numpy module with an alias np.
def c(bitstring_array):# defining function c.
num_integer=bitstring_array.dot(2**np.arange(bitstring_array.size)[::-1])#bitstring conversion.
return num_integer#returning integer array.
print("Enter bits")
Bit_l=input().split(" ")#enter space separated bitstring.
for i in range(len(Bit_l)):#iterating over the bitstring.
print(c(bitstring_array))#function call.
Enter bits
1 1 1 0 0 1
speed = float(input("Enter the speed: "))
hours = int(input("Enter the hours: "))
distance = 0
for i in range(hours):
distance += speed * 1
print("The distance after " + str(i+1) + ". hour(s): " + str(distance))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the speed and the hours
Initialize the distance as 0
Create a for loop that iterates hours times. Inside the loop, calculate the cumulative distance traveled at the end of each hour and print it (Note that the distance = speed x hour)
c. are based on statistical data, measurement and metrics
Data driven process are process that are not based on intuition but rather are based on data. This data serves as evidence to back a decision that is to be taken. It therefore means that, whatever decision that will be taken, such a decision will be based on the data presented.
Answer: oh hello human :) also PLEASE DONT KILL ME I’m answering this because the question was already answered already on another post