Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presi
dential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen's rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution, beyond the power of any state to deny. —“On Women’s Right to Vote,”
Susan B. Anthony
Which statement is true about the audience for On Women’s Right to Vote?
Anthony is trying to appeal to women, men, and lawmakers.
Anthony is trying to appeal to women only.
Anthony is trying to appeal only to men who vote.
Anthony is trying to appeal to judges.
irony is because the readers would assume that the kid would be scared and the kidnappers would be okay with what they're doing. it was the opposite. the kid didn't want to go back home, and the kid nappers were annoyed with the kid.
In The Red Badge of Courage, when Henry wakes up in camp the day after fighting, he first think he is in a Charnel place because the sleeping men around him look dead.