Anna<span> O. was the pseudonym of a patient of Josef Breuer, who published her </span>case<span>study in his book Studies on Hysteria,</span>
The former empire of Austria-Hungary was dissolved, and new nations were created from its land: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The Ottoman Turks had to give up much of their land in southwest Asia and the Middle East. In Europe, they retained only the country of Turkey.
The Mayan celebrations involved rituals of bloodletting of choice animals as well as human sacrifice. where people would be killed by having their heart ripped out from the chest.
This was done to appease the gods and it was done in every celebration of every calendar be it political or religious. The most sacred was the tongue and the ear, they pierced the ear to hear from the Gods and cut the tongue to enable them to speak what they heard from Gods.
First of all, this will depend on the particular person, for some people, the "Cold Turkey" method does indeed produce the best results.
However, generally, it's not easy in the sense of being able to keep it up: a gradual cessation can make it easier for people to stay away from cigarettes.
So the statement is false.
One thing it shows is the shape of the Earth's surface in a certain region/place. They show things like the shape of mountains, or the elevation of a cliff.