I think the answer would be fixed ration schedule of reinforcement. It is the type that would yield the highest rate of response. Schedule of reinforcement are rules that would contain what behaviors that will have consequences and what are these consequences and degree of the punishment
People began to think about businesses rationally.
Goods became cheaper and easier for businesses to produce.
Absolute monarchs began to lend businesses money.
The answer is non-participant observation method.
In this method, the researcher is not part of the group being studied. The reseracher must decide beforehand if the study is realistic, ethical and relevant for the research. Among the many different ways to carry out this method, it is posible for the researcher to observe a group at different times and locations, for short periods.
It is also important for the researcher to record not only the behaviour observed, but also the type of behaviour that did NOT occur.
An effective speech should be organized around two or three main points.