In 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, the men make the important decision to escape the Nautilus. This decision results in the climax of the story. The building action finally results in a drastic decision that causes major changes, which eventually lead to falling action and resolution.
A. The author believes there is no genre of greater historical importance to the Japanese society than manga. This is proven in the first paragraph when the author explains its popularity dating back to the 18th century.
A general statement about the author's point of view is that manga is significant. The piece of evidence from the text that best clarifies and supports this point of view is option A.
This is because, the author believes that the manga is significant and is of great historical importance to Japan and is the most important genre in Japanese history as it dates back to the 18th century.
Duplicity has largely negative connotations as the word is associated with being deceitful or "double-dealing" this could mean making a deal and then backing out at a later date or saying that you will do one thing and then later do something different.