Zoroastrianism made state religion under the Sassanian Empire.
Explantion; Jewish, Christianity and Muslim religion all have a similar doctrine. They all are monotheistic and worship the same God. The difference between Jewish and Christianity is that Jewish people do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and are still waiting for the coming of the savior.
Fun fact! Cleopatra was not attracted to him. She used him as a way to gain back her power after her older brother forced out of the throne. <em>He</em> fell in love with <em>her</em> and she got her power back.
The need to completely recover from the damages left during the post World War ll made Japan eager to overcome. They educated and trained themselves to rebuild their economy. They also opened their country to free trade. Everyone had became a part of social reconstruction in all different aspects including soldiers. They sought out ways to build new industries such as micro technology to cater the needs of the world market.
-people wanted to move because they wanted better lives. they faced dangerous journeys .
-they moved west because land was cheap or free and they thought they would do better business in the west .
-people who weren't making business or wasn't making any money, found the opportunities to move west to start everything all over again