this is not true of all new yorkers and can be taken offensively.
He is saying that they are like spiders who weave webs to survive without knowing that their webs are too weak to withstand real threats: just like the web won't be strong enough to stop a rock falling through it, their good deeds won't be enough to save them from hell fire.
In this sermon, Jonathan Edwards is urging his congregation (and by extension, all of the nation) to repent of their sins and pray for forgiveness before it is too late and they go to hell.
The Man Without a Country" is a short story by American writer Edward Everett Hale, first published in The Atlantic in December 1863. It is the story of American Army lieutenant Philip Nolan, who renounces his country during a trial for treason, and is consequently sentenced to spend the rest of his days at sea without so much as a word of news about the United States.
thank you
Not correct. There were many animals in the barnyard: chickens, pigs, sheep, and geese.
The column after "barnyard" shows a series of items will be listed or follow. colons indicate or announce explanation or examples after an independent clause. Example, when we want to give examples or offer explanation after saying "It should happen this way:". The items that follow in this fashion will be written after a colon since they come after something like an announcement.
the crashing waves wrenched from her deep slumber, how many days and nights have passed, she will not tremble before her wrath, human nature shouldn't be trifled with.