The benefits to wildlife in parks that humans create is that there is often no hunting allowed in those areas, as it is a recreational area for humans. This allows local wildlife populations to thrive without threat of hunters lowering their population. Organisms also can receive protections in parks if their population reaches a critical point in which they might have otherwise gone extinct. Furthermore they can create an area for injured animals who have undergone rehabilitation services to have an area free from large amounts of competition.
one benefits to wildlife in national and nature parks are, that there are is not hunting within the parks. not only does this protect the wildlife, it also sustains the balance of life. nature and wildlife parks allow a careful eye to be placed on the animals that are going extinct or are even victims of severe hunting. this allows this generation as well as their future offspring to be healthy and ensure safety. a benefit to the public would be the, scenic routes you can walk on a trail, besides walking and being outdoors, any contribution/ donations are ensured to go towards rehabilitation of the animals.