Respect others.
This means that it is important to make sure that your interactions with other internet users are based on respect for each other's resources. This includes time, bandwidth, and even emotions. Ensure that the information you are sharing is of value to the intended recipients and is sent in a timely manner. Treat other online users as you'd have them treat you.
Visualize your online conversations as you would real life conversations. Avoid being offensive and be accommodating of other peoples shortcomings. Also keep in mind who is part of the forum you are interacting with so as to use appropriate language.
Hello <span>Christinamauffp2olwu</span><span>
Answer: In Microsoft Word, when you highlight existing text you want to replace, you're in insert mode.
Hope This Helps :-)
Answer: Stealth scanning technique
Stealth Scanning technique includes the following steps:
1. The client upon sending a single SYN packet to is responded by SYN/ACK packet if the port is open.
2. The port is assumed to be in closed state if the RST packe t is sent from the server.
3. This RST packet is sent by the client to close the initiation process so that a connection cannot be established.
I am writing <em>partial code in</em> <em>c++ to calculate weighted average</em>. The weighted average should be calculated based on multiplying the test score and its <em>respective weight and finally add all the test score.</em>
<em>int arrtestscore[100];</em>
<em>int arrweight[100];</em>
<em>int n;</em>
<em>double weightedavg;</em>
<em>cout<<”Enter the number of test score for which weighted average needs to be calculated”;</em>
<em>for(int x = 0; x <n;x++)</em>
<em> cout<<”Enter test score :” + (x+1) ;</em>
<em> cin>>arrtestscore[x];</em>
<em> count<<”Enter the respective weight:”;</em>
<em> cin>>arrweight[x];</em>
<em>for (int i=0; i<n;i++)</em>
<em> weightedavg = weightedavg + (arrtestscore[i] * arrweight[i])</em>
<em>cout<<”weighted average = “ <<weightedavg; </em>
If i remember should be 64 MB
Hope this helps