Odysseus and his men then took the timber and heated the sharpened end in the fire until it glowed red. Then, with all their strength, they pushed the red-hot point into the eye of Polyphemus.
let second side be x
then first side = x-13
third side= x+1
perimeter of triangle = 45
first side = x-13= 19-13=6
third side= x+1=19+1=20
Step-by-step explanation:
Twelve, two hundred and fourty five
Assuming we're dealing with
, which is the same as writing (x+2)/(-5) < 4, then the answer is choice C.
We multiply both sides by -5 and this will flip the inequality sign.
Multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number flips the inequality sign.
An example would be saying -2x < 10 leads to x > -5
What we can do is divide both sides by -2 and flip the inequality sign, or we could follow the steps shown below
- -2x < 10
- 0 < 10+2x ... adding 2x to both sides
- -10 < 2x ... subtracting 10 from both sides; this is one way to see why the sign flip happens
- 2x > -10
- x > -10/2 ..... dividing both sides by 2
- x > -5
Area= 12m * 12m = 144m^2 *7.00$ = 1008$.
Final answer: 1008$