In the crib facing the mom.
The infants require the proper medical attention and parental support during any examination. The parental support makes the infant comfortable and reduces his fear.
If the nurse wants to perform any examination on the infant she must place the infant with the position that can allow the infant to see his parent. This provide support to the infant. The crib facing the mom is quite comfortable that keeps the parent in the view.
Thus, the answer is in the crib facing the mom.
You have to give 2 breaths to each child.
TOO HOT for humans. Too many greenhouse gasses will trap too much heat.
In contrast to other fungi symbionts for example: saprotrophic fungi, parasitic fungi attack living organisms, they invade them, penetrate their outer defense mechanism and take nourishment from the cytoplasm of living things and cause disease which may result to death of the host. Most disease causing or pathogenic fungi are parasitic to plants.