Five examples of questions:
Dost thou know who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
Little Lamb who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? (From "The Tyger")
In what distant deeps or skies,/ Burnt the fire of thine eyes? (from "The Tyger")
On what wings dare he aspire?/ What the hand, dare seize the fire? (from "The Tyger")
The tone of "The Lamb" is quiet. It asks the questions in a polite and gentle way. It is beautiful and innicent. On the opposite side, "The Tyger" has a tone full of fear and force.
Hank hates Brian, Brian tries everything he can so that Hank will like him. Brian tries to help out and be nice to him.
so i have to make a story then answer this ok np
the turtle and the rabbit
Once upon a time there's a rabbit so fast that no one can catch up to the rabbit.The rabbit annoyed the turtle and keep annoying the turtle
but one day the turtle said lets have a race
the rabbit laugh.The race has begun the turtle is slow and steady the rabbit is so confident that he fall a sleep the turtle quietly ran past the rabbit
and the turtle win
He wants others to know what the greasers are really made up of, and basically the life of a greaser.