Panic and disbelief and astonishment.
Many people were on margin (that's when you put your stock up for security and the bank makes you a loan to buy more stock. Effectively the bank owns the stock).
"Everybody's doing it. You can make scads of money doing it."
When the market crashed, in many cases it took everything you yur had. Those who knew what was going on panicked. Some jumped owt windows. I good remainder when this happened was roughly 20%
Those how didn't know what was going on phoned their brokers who likely told them to hang on -- this was only a correction. Other brokers advised they sell which only intensified the selling pressure. There was no way out. People who don't understand margin should never use it.
Many banks closed their doors. If you want to watch a movie on the subject, you should watch A Wonderful Life. It's a classic. Every library has it or can get it for you.
c. 1500, "to light up, shine on," a back-formation from illumination or else from Latin illuminatus, past participle of illuminare "light up, make light, illuminate." Earlier was enlumyen
Marquis de Lafayette helped to train the American colonists and even served in battle with them. Lafayette first came to the American colonies in 1777. Upon arrival, was appointed a Major General in the colonial army. From there, he taught the American colonists military techniques, strategies, and other important information needed to defeat the British. He even fought for the American colonists in the Battle of Brandywine. His help was imperative to the colonists success against the British.
Maritime history of Europe includes past events relating to the northwestern region of Eurasia in ... Roman galleys helped to build the Roman Empire. ... The volume of trade that the Roman merchant fleet carried was larger than any other ... and the galleon, where for the first time in history maritime navigation was possible.
King Ezana also converted to Christianity. He was a devout Christian and Christianity became the major religion of the kingdom. Aksum was perfectly located to become a major center of trade. Merchants would travel from central Africa, Persia, India, and Egypt bringing their goods to Aksum to trade.