They must be a resident of a US state.
- The 'house of representatives' is composed up of '435 elected members' from the '50 different states' on the basis of the population proportion.
- For the eligibility to be a 'member of house of representatives', one should be of at least '25 years of age', must be a US citizen for seven years and they must be a 'resident of the state' they represent.
- Similarly, to be a 'member of a senate', one must be a US citizen for nine years, must be '30 years of age' and must be the resident of the state they represent.
Granger laws were declared as an unconstitutional because they tried to have control over the interstate commerce, which was the federal government's responsibility by Gibbons v. Ogden. Granger Laws were laws that were passed in multiple midwestern states in US. These states include Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
The Founding Fathers were very influenced by the Enlightenment movement, especially by the philosopher John Locke. Because of that, the Founding Fathers justified the rebellion against the British.