The Rhyme of this sonnet would be abab cdcd efef gg because
you're first four lines are rhyming every other one which would give you your abab pattern, then your next four also rhyme every other one with different words which gives you your cdcd pattern, and the same for the next four stanzas, and your last two lines would be gg because both words at the end rhyme.
I hope this helps you.
1. It never changes the mood of the story. Happy time= sunny sky. Sad time=rain suddenly appears. Change of season=new part of the story.
2. It makes the story seem unappealing and static.
3. It is unrealistic-people are constantly on the move.
In the oldest versions, a lion threatens a mouse that wakes him from sleep. The mouse begs forgiveness and makes the point that such unworthy prey would bring the lion no honor. The lion then agrees and sets the mouse free. Later, the lion is netted by hunters. Hearing it roaring, the mouse remembers its clemency and frees it by gnawing through the ropes. The moral of the story is that mercy brings its reward and that there is no being so small that it cannot help a greater.
To his son, Lemon Brown passed on the legacy of his Blues talents with his
newspaper clippings and old harmonica. These items represent success.
Hopeful because he had hopes that one day he too could be freed