okay you need to have it come from the heart if you can give real life examples and make it sound a lil sad you will get a btter grade. no im not an a hole and play on teachers feelings but they like writings that come from the heart. i also recommend after you explain the problems you or someone you know are having or rlly any problems then, you say but i do have a solution i think will make it better then explain the solutions you have.
im sorry if this didnt help :P best of wishes on your essay
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
Answer: Just try your best
Our life experiences can impact our interactions with one another negatively or positively. It depends on what we have experienced and if it leave a positive or negative mark. For example, when I found out my aunt (you can include other family members instead) died, I was devestaded. And she died because she damaged her kiddneys by not taking care of her hygiene. I have learned that and ever since than, I made sure to take good care of my hygiene. It also helped me encourage others around me to take care of theirś too.
Based off of true events that had taken place. You can put another family member and how they died.