Yeah, I’m going to agree without you. Panic is definitely the best option.
1. True. The fact can be verified.2. True. Generalizations are often unreliable.3. True. same reason as #24. B. The comma comes after the introductory prepositional phrase. 5. A. The comma should come before the conjunction (but).6. C. Think about interrogations where an investigator asks the accused a bunch of questions.7. B. Think it's important to do this now!8. A. To declare is to make a statement.9. B. It's important to do.10. C. It's a question.11. Pathos. P = person12. Logos. L = logic13. Ethos. E = emotion14. Pathos. It's focusing on the credibility of the dentist. 15. Ethos. It's appealing to the emotions of the viewers to elicit donations.
You have to do it well for a reason
Im not sure
Soccer is an (pick one of these: astonishingly, extraordinarily, breathtakingly, incredibly) fast game.
You just use words that describe the action.