To forbade all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian mountains
The <em>Chernobyl nuclear power station is situated in the north of Ukraine, close to that country's present boundary with Belarus</em>, the closest of the former Soviet states, and where the remnants of the Communist regime survive today.
Radiation impacted 23% of the land of Belarus</em>. During the incident, <em>70% of the radioactive substances released by the facility ended in the land of Belarus.
As a consequence of the catastrophe, <em>135,000 Belarusians have been evacuated from their homes and moved elsewhere, </em>with radioactivity affecting many.
Thomas Hunt Morgan concluded that the white eyed trait was not a simple Mendelian trait as he saw that it had a mutual connection to the existence of an X chromosome within the individual. This is because only F2 males had white eyes, and seeing as how the white-eyed trait was recessive then he was able to make this connection with the X chromosome.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
There was no unified state that could grow all parts of life equally so they had to depend on trade in order to get goods that they needed from each other since they couldn't develop all parts of production or manufacture. Ones would for example have a developed pottery industry while the others would have mastered making Olive oil so they would trade in order to get what they needed because they couldn't make it on their own.