Beyond his personal success, Equiano's book made a vital contribution to the abolitionist cause. His story refuted many of the racist stereotypes and misconceptions that were prominent at the time as he gave the public an opportunity to see slavery through the eyes of a former slave. (Make sure to write this in your own words! :) )
This is math, not English, but okay xD
"Two intersecting lines are perpendicular if and only if they form four 90 degree angles" would be my answer.
She said she had wanted to burn the house down herself if it wouldn't have landed her in jail.
The correct answer is The author's last name and page number(s) must appear within the text and after the direct or indirect quotation.
According to MLA Handbook (8th ed.), whenever a quotation is directly or indirectly inserted in the body of a research paper, it is essential to acknowledge the source where the quotation was taken form. To do so, it is necessary to add a parenthetical reference at the end of the quotation with the author’s (or authors’) last name(s) and the page number(s) of the quotation, paraphrase, or summary you are quoting. For example:
Sometimes, teachers will shy away from teaching literature with a goal of aesthetic reading because it is nearly impossible to measure accurately a student’s personal responses to the text (Cline 96).
You have to consider factors