Must be true as none of them are verbal
Maintaining an unhealthy weight would cause stress on the body, but maintaining a healthy weight does not.
Projective test
The personality test which is the Rorschach inkblot test is an example of the projective test. Here, she is being shown one card at a time with a random pattern of dots and asked to describe what she sees. However, a total of 10 different cards are used in the personality test. At the end of the test, the responses are recorded word-for-word and other responses like signs are also recorded.
Is this an actual question?
Answer: liking for the odor of alcohol.
In experiments, when pregnant rats drink alcohol, their young offspring later display a liking for alcohol's odor.
Even light drinking can affect the fetal brain, and persistent heavy drinking will put the fetus at risk for birth defects and intellectual disability.