B) it's effects the person's self esteem.
At the fifty yard line in the immediate center of the field both horizontally and vertically.
1. In ways that are easy to overlook and yet are so impacting, your reputation will cause your present or potential relationships to be affected, and almost always adversely. You may fall in love with a person who won't have anything to do with you because of your past deeds. You may want to raise your children to respect the law and authority, yet they won't
acknowledge your authority because of your doing such a knock-out job of rebelling against it previously. You may come to a place where your family members want nothing more to do with you because their own reputations have been burnt too many times by who you are in the eyes of the common man. No matter who you want to be in life presently, you should always consider who you want to be in the future. You want to evaluate the "what-ifs" that may come about. Prudence is the type of wisdom that foresees future things that could come to pass based on your choices. So whether you are the die-hard who wants to have a reputation as such, or whether you are the model citizen, it's prudent to evaluate your aspirations and where they could take you in life.
2.No because boys and girls have different perspectives
Unexpected means it was something you did not "expect" to happen such as a car crashing into you which means this is wrong.
Unfair is any injury.
Unnecessary means it was never needed and could have been prevented/not done therefore unnecessary is the best term.
Answer: let children talk and think for themselves. also, let them express themselves, and let them explore their interests. always let them have choices.