This is an incomplete sentence.
Complete sentence has both subject and predicate. Subject is the person who is performing the action and predicate usually contains the verb and the rest part of the sentence. It has complete meaning or makes sense. Incomplete sentence would have either of the two missing.
The given phrase "If I had intended to buy the car" is an incomplete sentence. There should be a second part or predicate of the sentence as well. For example: what would have happened or what would be done, "If I had intended to buy the car". It only mentions the subject part of the sentence.
The coordinating conjunction among these is the word but.
However and although are subordinating conjunctions, not coordinating.
im not sure, but i think it is "on and off the field, janelle behaves like a team captain." This is because she is already a captain unlike the other quotes whic h shows what she wants to be.
A suffix ment of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment), or means ( ornament)
Suffix -tion. (non-productive) Used to form nouns meaning "the action of (a verb)" or "the result of (a verb)". Words ending in this suffix are almost always derived from a similar Latin word; a few (eg gumption) are not derived from Latin and are unrelated to any verb.