1) semicolon
2) comma
3) semicolon
semicolons are used to separate two independent clauses. Independent clauses are phrases that make sense on their own. The comma is needed in #2 because the phrases don't make sense on their own. In that case, a semicolon wouldn't work there.
First of all, what article is this? I want to read it now, because that quote is FIRE
Second, it means that the definition of the term "fair" is not something that exists outside of human perception, outside of our minds and our thoughts. "It is a matter of perspective filtered by a subjective assessment.", meaning that it is how each person sees "fairness" in relation to the now.
Basically, it's saying that "fair" is an opinion, a feeling, not a fact. Without the human mind, "fair" is nothing. It's based on human morals, what is "right" and what is "wrong" in everyone's seperate ideas. Everyone's idea of what is "fair" is moulded by their situation in life, and in the current instance. For example, a child who has lived a life of luxury may say that not getting a lolipop is "unfair", while a child who has lived in poverty might say that not getting something to eat that day is "unfair".
I realised that wasn't very basic. In more simpler terms, fairness is a matter of perspective, there is no solid definition. Everyone has their own idea of fairness.
This could be considered part of the thesis of your article because it is a strong idea, and maybe the said article is based around the concept of fairness. I really can't say accurately because I haven't read the article.
I hope this helps! :)
The term “lost generation”, coined by Gertrude Stein, is applied to a group of writers, poets, and musicians in Paris during the 1920s, often characterized by the similar themes discussed in their work, such as disillusionment in the post-World War I society, loss of identity and tradition, and an uncertainty of the future.
Literary elements include (1) plot - it shows the setting of the literary work and what moment or environment is it running around, (2) character - This answers the question what kinds of people are the characters regarding their beliefs, hopes, morals, ideals, fears, etc.? , (3) mood - it refers to the feelings that overpowers throughout the literary work, (4) symbol - This answers the question what concrete, specific objects have been used to represent abstract ideas?