Frustrated,mad,scared for me and the new genreation that is coming soon (our kids, and grandchildren which would be born to me in like when im 18-21 years old). yes speech still relevant to today's society in 2021
because we are still fight for our live the protest BLM
I think people should be treated fairly at school because of 2 reasons. One of them being that people feel more like they belong in school and would want to come to school more often. My 2nd reason is that when somone gets treated fairly they will treat others fairly back, and that is very important in everyday life.
This is why I think people should be treated fairly at school.
Hope this isnt to bad
Hail is formed when drops of water freeze together in the cold upper regions of thunderstorm clouds. ... A frozen droplet begins to fall from a cloud during a storm, but is pushed back up into the cloud by a strong updraft of wind. When the hailstone is lifted, it hits liquid water droplets
Then you will be mentaliy and physically healthy.
The answer is a lyric poem.
A lyric poem is short, highly musical verse that conveys powerful feelings. The poet may use rhyme, meter, or other literary devices to create a song-like quality. A lyric poem is a private expression of emotion by a single speaker. For example, American poet Emily Dickinson described inner feelings when she wrote her lyric poem that begins, "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, / And Mourners to and fro."
Song lyrics often begin as lyric poems. In ancient Greece, lyric poetry was, in fact, combined with music played on a U-shaped stringed instrument called a lyre. Through words and music, great lyric poets like Sappho (ca. 610–570 B.C.) poured out feelings of love and yearning.
Lyric poetry also has no prescribed form. Sonnets, villanelles, rondeaus, and pantoums are all considered lyric poems. So are elegies, odes, and most occasional (or ceremonial) poems. When composed in free verse, lyric poetry achieves musicality through literary devices such as alliteration, assonance, and anaphora.