Let the "barred" allele be caller B and the "non-white" allele b. Since chickens use chromosomes
to determine sex, hens would have chromosomes
, and roosters would have chromosomes
. A Z-linked gene is represented as a superscript on the
for the dominant allele and
for the ressesive allele.
A barred hen would have a copy of B on its Z chromosome, a non-barred rooster would have both copies of b on both Z chromosomes. Using Punnet squares to represent the crosses we get the following cases:

That is a ratio of two barred heterozygote roosters to two non-barred hens. Crossing them we get:

That is a ratio of one barred heterozygote rooster to one barred hen to one non-barred rooster to one non barred hen.
They use a gene modification technique called CRIPSR-CAS9. The pigs have been given a gene that allows them to better regulate their own body temperature, whereby they burn fat, or at which animals consume their own fat.
British and Chinese scientists explained that they conducted the study by adding a mouse version of the UCP1 gene used for porcine embryos, which is used to regulate body temperature characteristic of most mammals, but not ordinary pigs.
It is problematic for pigs to maintain a stable body temperature, and this is especially complicated in pigs that are cold in the winter months because they have not been able to "store" fat.
Inserting the UCP2 gene could solve this problem.
Blue Carb which scientifically is known as “<span>Callinectes sapidus” is a type of vertebrates. </span>A possible reason for the fluctuation in their population can
be the eutrophic dead zones in the Chesapeake Bay which naturally cases low
levels of oxygen dissolving into the Bay leading to fluctuation of Blue crab
<span>Another reason also can be the shorter
life span of blue crab, its average life span recorded is one to three years
which is very short in comparison to striped bass, although some blue crabs are
caught after being tagged at the age of 6 to 8 years as well.</span>