exponential growth
The organisms that are not native of a particular environment but are exposed to live in that particular environment are invasive species. Usually invasive species do not prove useful to the new area and prove harmful to the environment as well. There are some species of organisms that have been accidently introduced to new environment and have been accidently proven to be beneficial. Zebra mussels, being the native to Black Sea when arrived to North America flourished there.
, where m is the mass of the pendulum
As we know that mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy.
Since the Pendulum at its highest point has zero velocity, its kinetic energy at this point is equal to zero.
Thus, here in this mechanical energy will be equal to the potential energy only.
Potential energy is equal to the product of gravity constant, mass of the body and the height of the pendulum


they have inexpensive start- up costs.
Nuclear power plants are expensive to build but relatively cheap to run.
The answer is invasive species.
Invasive species are species that are not native to specific ecosystem,
but they have a capability to spread widely through the ecosystem, This way
they can threaten native species of the ecosystem or cause
environmental harm.
<span>After being introduced into the Black Sea, they greatly affect local
ecosystem. In the new area, they have no natural predators and are able to
spread. If they spread beyond the area they are introduced, they
become invasive species which can overgrow native biotopes and are
a great threat to the local biodiversity. This could lead to the extinction
of some native species.</span>
There's a group on each side so there's equal pull on both sides so it doesn't move