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The genre of the novel <em>"The Golden Cat"</em> written by Gabriel King, is considered to Fantasy Literature or Fiction.
The plot of the novel refers to an old prophecy that says that a is coming to heal the world.
The characters and some places of the novel are fiction, like "Wild Road", that is protected by Tag, a young cat that has to defend the Will Road from a supernatural Vortex, threatening the place, that is beyond the realm where humanity lives.
Other interesting novels that included cats: The Cat's Maw by Brooke Burgess, The Wild Road by Bagriel King and The Silent Miaow by Paul Gallico.
Crybaby, Pacify her, show and tell, k-12, teachers pet , mad hatter , mrs, potato head that’s all i can name for now i was a big fan of hers a long time ago lmshsjd
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