I would go to the moon and play with football basketball every thing and eat crazy
1. a. diary
2. a. mentally disadvantaged
3. b. the misspellings
4. D. useless
"Flowers for Algernon" tells the story of Charlie, a man who has a problem that leaves him mentally disadvantaged. This problem is a type of disability that leaves Charli mentally inferior to a healthy adult. Charlie's problem is so serious that initially the inkblot tests he was submitted were inconclusive and did not provide any help to his case.
Cahrlie's story is told from his diaries and we can see his difficulty through the numerous spelling mistakes he writes. However, Charlie undergoes surgery and treatment that stimulates improvements in his situation and little by little we see Charlie's writing getting more correct and refined showing that his intellectual capacity is progressing.
A beggars dream
One day he was given a bucket of milk by a generous man. He brought the milk home and kept it beside him. He had a dream. He started his own dairy. He earned good money from his dairy. He purchased many more buffaloes and cows with his profit. Soon he was able to make a lot of money and built his own house. He was rich. He got married and got children. They played around making a noise. To make them quiet, he ran after them. He began to move his legs rapidly. In doing so, he hit the milk pot with one of his legs. The pot with milk broke. The milk was spilled all over the floor. He came to reality and realized daydream is good for nothing.
Moral: One bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
<span>Substitute for "a" and solve for "b":
7b = 10(b-24)
7b = 10b-240
3b = 240
b = 80 (# of calories in a banana)</span>