A population cannot continue to increase forever because each population has a carrying capacity, which is the max number of organisms that can live in an environment with the available resources. At some point, each population will hit their carrying capacity when they run out of resources.
Answer: Read Explanation
1)Smoking (in adolecents)
2)Smoking is a probelm emerging in young adults, with thing like Juuls and products similar to them, youths are now becoming addicted to nicotine without having a nicotine addiction in the first place. Smoking Juuls and other similar products also lead adolecents to smoke ciggaretts if not already smoking them. Smoking causes lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (found in your lungs). Ciggarette smoking in most cases will cause lung cancer.
3. The solution to teen smoking- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/teen-smoking/art-20047069
passing of traits
Inheritance is the act of passing traits through sexual or asexual reproduction.
The First 20 Elements and The Difference Between Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Standard. 1 – H – Hydrogen – Odorless, Colorless and Flammable Gas. 2 – He – Helium – Colorless and Odorless. 3 – Li – Lithium – Low Melting Point and Low Density. 4 – Be – Beryllium – High Thermal Conductivity and Non Magnetic.
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