28. Julien "s'occupe" de sa petite soeur.
29. Moi, Sylvie, " je me" couche tard.
30. Jacques et moi, "nous nous" préparons pour une compétition.
31. Carole, "tu te laves" les cheveux.
À cause de la pandémie de Cov id-19, mon père et moi travaillons chez nous
As a pilot, Amelia Earhart set many world flying records. She became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first person to make a solo flight across both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Earhart also set several height and speed records in an airplane.
1. there's no stairs
2. we have to change the carpet
3.the kitchen has a washing machine
4.the bathroom does not have a shower
5.we set the table in the kitchen
6.the rooms are small