This question has to be made from your memories, I can't falsify your memories without personal information and im not going to ask you for that, so i can only answer the last one. For the last one you could say that you are a sweet tooth and happiness came in the form of sugar
I believe it is amino acids?
Mitosis is a division of a eukaryotic cell in which the chromosomes are evenly distributed among the daughter cells.
In multicellular organisms, both sexual and asexual reproduction is followed by cell division, which ensures the growth and development of the organism. In addition, cell division is necessary to replace dead cells and repair injuries. New cells are constantly being added and old ones are being destroyed. About a hundred thousand more cells are created every second, and of course the same number dies. The new cells start with the division of the source cell. The cells formed in this way are called daughter cells. Stem cells can gradually divide into all the different cells in the body through mitosis.
Most of the body's cells are constantly renewed by mitosis, but there are also so-called irreplaceable cells that are formed only once in a lifetime for the life of the organism and do not regenerate by mitosis.
Las especies invasoras son animales, plantas u otros organismos que se desarrollan fuera de su área de distribución natural, en hábitats que no le son propios o con una abundancia inusual, produciendo alteraciones en la riqueza y diversidad de los ecosistemas. Cuando son transportados e introducidos por el ser humano en lugares fuera de su área de distribución natural, consiguiendo establecerse y dispersarse en la nueva región se les denomina especies exóticas invasoras resultando normalmente muy dañinas
A. There are 4 codons
Idk B