Tori's Shaka Triad sculpture is strongly influenced by the Northern Wei Dynasty art that included statues and sculptures carved during the late 6th Century.
The Shaka Triad is consider a Masterpiece. Tori was a very popular sculpture and worked particularly for Prince Shōtoku.
He inherited this traid from his grandfather Shiba Tatto and he became a Buddhist monk in 588.
Understanding the political dynamics within authoritarian systems such as ... In the absence of mobilizing ideologies, modern autocratic leaders abuse ... The implications of authoritarian rule do not stop at the water's edge.
hope this helps
In turning Germany's focus against the Jews, Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda, Goebbles, only allowed books to be published that incited hatred against the Jews, and banned Jews from working for newspapers.
The states of south lost the war, who enriched was the north, becomes strongest militarist, while the south for long years, becomes slavery by north.