Does Atmosphere sound correct?
Listening-56%, Speaking-23%, Reading-13%, Writing-8%.
According to the estimated percentage, an average person in the United States spends about 56 percent of their time listening, which is comparatively the highest than other communication activities. When it comes to speaking, 23 percent of a person's time is spent in interacting. Only 13 percent of time is used up for reading. Apart from this, the estimated percentage of writing is the lowest. Only 8 percent of time is spent by people when it comes to any kind of write up work.
What this poem is trying to show is that fame has its ups and downs. it is a song because it's a great experience with lots of perks. It's also a sting because you cant live a normal life without paparazzi getting in your face, taking pictures and wont let you enjoy your time out in the community. the author uses the words "Ah" and "wing" to show the noticeable fact that being famous will allow you to achieve greater lengths and to be able to "fly" and accomplish your life's dreams.
Nixon said that he sold his apartment in New York when he became president in relation to the investigation conducted under his presidency. It is believe that eh gained profit from his public service. This is in defense to his record in the Watergate case.