utilize a two-neuron chain to reach their effectors
Stem cells arise from the inner mass of the cell
Signalling factors trigger differentiation in stem cells
Genes that lead to the production of undifferentiated blood cells are activated
Signalling factors cause undifferentiated blood cells to produce red blood cells
Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow. The precursor to the RBC is stem cell which is undifferentiated and pluripotent. The stem cell gets differentiated to form immature RBCs. Immature RBC then gets divided and becomes mature. Stem cell giving rise to RBC is called Haemoctytoblast. The process of erythropoiesis takes 2 days to form new red blood cells
mm yes read me
the energy was already there energy never dies it just chooses what it wants to be put into
On the rabbit.
This question is about the text "The Magician and the Duck". In it, we are introduced to Mr. Pasha, a magician who will perform at Raj's school and uses Raj himself as an assistant.
In one of his tricks Mr. Pash will use a handkerchief and a rabbit. He asks Raj to place the handkerchief on the rabbit, which Raj does quickly.