def to_pig_latin(word):
new_word = word[1:] + word[0] + "ay"
return new_word
Create a function called to_pig_latin that takes one parameter, word
Inside the function, create a new_word variable and set it to the characters that are between the second character and the last character (both included) of the word (use slicing) + first character of the word + "ay". Then, return the new_word.
Call the to_pig_latin function twice, first pass the "hello" as parameter, and then pass the "latin" as parameter
Open addressing is the technique used in the hash tables during the collision resolution. This method is also known as closed hashing.This techniques helps in the solving the issue of collision.
All the keys gets placed in the hash table and so the size of hash table equal to or greater number of overall keys.There are three techniques used for open addressing, which are linear probing
,quadratic probing and double hashing
In its most basic form, each node contains:
data, and a reference (in other words, a
link) to the next node in the sequence. A
linked list whose nodes contain two fields:
an integer value and a link to the next node.
The last node is linked to a terminator used
to signify the end of the list.
Boolean Values
Boolean Values are used as return values for functions to check whether something is true or false.
Hexadecimal numbers it is technique of representing numbers whose base value is 16.
The common use of Hexadecimal numbers are:
- To define memory locations .
- To define colors in web Pages .
- To represent error message.
- To represent MAC address