This protocol is known as an IP that stands for Internet Protocol. This protocol handles the simple task of making sure that the information is routed correctly to and from the corresponding computer machines through the internet. The sending and receiving machines are identified through their Internet Protocol Addresses which lets the protocol know exactly where the information is going and being sent from.
Written in Python
import math
principal = 8000
rate = 0.025
for i in range(1, 11):
amount = principal + principal * rate
principal = amount
print("Year "+str(i)+": "+str(round(amount,2)))
This line imports math library
import math
This line initializes principal amount to 8000
principal = 8000
This line initializes rate to 0.025
rate = 0.025
The following is an iteration from year 1 to 10
for i in range(1, 11):
This calculates the amount at the end of the year
amount = principal + principal * rate
This calculates the amount at the beginning of the next year
principal = amount
This prints the calculated amount
print("Year "+str(i)+": "+str(round(amount,2)))
public class Calculator {
private int total;
private int value;
public Calculator(int startingValue){
// no need to create a new total variable here, we need to set to the our instance total variable
total = startingValue;
value = 0;
public int add(int value){
//same here, no need to create a new total variable. We need to add the value to the instance total variable
total = total + value;
return total;
* Adds the instance variable value to the total
public int add(){
// no need to create a new total variable. We need to add the value to the instance total variable
total += value;
return total;
public int multiple(int value){
// no need to create a new total variable. We need to multiply the instance total variable by value.
total *= value;
return total;
//We need to specify which value refers to which variable. Otherwise, there will be confusion. Since you declare the parameter as value, you need to put this keyword before the instance variable so that it will be distinguishable by the compiler.
public void setValue(int value){
this.value = value;
public int getValue(){
return value;
I fixed the errors. You may see them as comments in the code
802.11a supports bandwidth of 54 Mbps in a regulated frequency spectrum of 5 GHz. 802.11a also referred to as Wi-fi 2. 802.11a is basically costs higher than 802.11b though both were created at the same time. Hence 802.11b is more popular than 802.11a . All of them are developed by IEEE.
// here is code in Java.
// package
import java.util.*;
// class definition
class Main
// method that return sum of two sale value
public static int Add(int euroSales,int asiaSales)
// return the sum
return euroSales+asiaSales;
//main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// variables
int euroSales=100;
int asiaSales=150;
int eurasiaSales;
// call the function
// print the sum
System.out.println("total sale is:"+eurasiaSales);
}catch(Exception ex){
Declare and initialize two variables "euroSales=100" and "asiaSales=150". Declare another variable eurasiaSales. Call the method Add() with euroSales and asiaSales as parameter. This method will add both the value and return the sum.This sum will be assigned to variable eurasiaSales.Then print the sum.
total sale is:250