four-month lame duck period between the election and inauguration of the president.
"lame duck" session of Congress is one that takes place after the election for the next Congress has been held, but before the current Congress has reached the end of its constitutional term.
Congressional elections were generally held on the same day. The result of these scheduling decisions was that there was a long, four-month lame duck period between the election and inauguration of the president.
The ruler who was able gain control of Greece was Philip ll.
An aboriginal skeleton that was discovered in 2012 on the banks of Darling river in Tootale National Park is known as Toorale Man. The skeleton's facial bones were damaged and had deep and fatal wounds. The wound stretched from the forehead to the mouth.
Initially, it was believed that the wound was caused by metal blades and the man died in the violence between the aboriginals and European settlers. But the radiocarbon dating revealed that the man died much earlier, almost 700 years ago. It raised several questions about the use of metal by aboriginals because metal arrived in Australia with Macassan Fisherman in the north and then with the European settlement.
His skull was lying on a washed pile of sand and was arranged in a fetal position and his skull was sticking out.
Answer: Accepts to give speech without any incentives.
Insufficient justification, in terms of cognitive dissonance theory describes about a person depending of internal cause for any behavior's explanation as any external factor causing such behavior does not exist. Treat or reward can be enough to make a person involve into behavior or avoid behavior
According to the question,Lisa can experience most possible change in behavior if she accepts to give speech without any incentives for favoring the capital punishment.She will involve into such behavior due to reward .
False the rust belt is known as that because of economic decline