Jim Crow laws were in effect after the Civil War, and African Americans were already treated horribly after new changes. Furthermore, it takes a lot of money and votes to elect Senators, particularly if you're a person of color at the time. This suggests that this nation was built on old white men who were ignorant and prejudiced against people of color. The majority of senators today are old white men. Finally, Jim Crow laws restricted African Americans from doing the same actions as white people, morphing American society into one that favors Caucasians.
Tens of thousands of people were killed by Bashar al-Assad as they demonstrated for him to resign as president of their country. The protests that began calling for his resignation later sparked a civil war which has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
El primer europeo en descubrir Delaware fue el explorador inglés Henry Hudson, en 1609, que navegó por el interior de la bahía de Delaware. Los neerlandeses fueron los primeros europeos en intentar poblar la región del actual Delaware.
Right option:
It led to the spread of diseases in the Americas, killing thousands of Native Americans.
The Indian peoples of the New World didn´t have anti-bodies that could help resist illnesses that were brought by the Europeans such as the smallpox. These new viruses and bacteria decimated Indian people. Not thousands, but millions of Indians died because of new diseases spread by the Europeans colonizers.