A group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae.
Five courses of action a committee may take on a bill are: report it favorably; refuse to report it; report it in amended form; report it unfavorably; or report a substitute bill written by the committee. 8. Four types of votes in the House are: voice votes, standing votes, teller votes, and roll-call votes.
The completion in 1825 of the Erie Canal (below), connecting Lake Erie with the Hudson River, was an event of major importance in Michigan history because it greatly facilitated the transportation of passengers and freight between the eastern seaboard and Michigan ports.
<span>The way Jose is writing his message with writing first the reasons and supporting documentation, followed by a topic sentence stating his recommendation means that Jose </span><span>is using the indirect paragraph plan. The indirect plan is characterized with p</span>aragraphs arranged in the following way: start with the supporting sentences and conclude with the main sentence.