And it means
Hey there, here is my answer:
One time, my grandma made spaghetti and it was the best spaghetti ever. I put the noodles in my mouth and the flavors overwhelmed my mouth. I could taste every flavor. The delicious tomato sauce, the perfectly cooked noodles, the perfect meat, and there was some delicious cheese on top. On the side, there was cheesy garlic bread that melted into my mouth and made my mouth water. I wanted more, and more, and more. My stomach was filled with spaghetti but my mouth wanted to taste the flavors for longer. When I was finished, I was happy, I was content, my world was changed. That bowl of spaghetti changed my life. (This story may be a little overdramatized). Nevertheless, that spaghetti was DELICIOUS.
I hope you enjoyed this story of spaghetti goodness.
- by noticing how the character interacts with other characters
- by noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks
- by noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character
- by noticing how the other characters perceive the character
The writer uses indirect characterization to portray the character. She/He can use this characterization to hold readers fascinated so the readers want to follow every step of character. By following every step of character, the readers will be curious to find out what will happen to the character. The indirect characterization refers to the writer's will to portray the character's personality using speech, actions and appearance.
Also, indirect characterization could help the character's behavior towards other characters and their interaction. This could help to find out the character's attributes and feelings.
The other character can perceive character more objective and notice the reason why the character does some actions or feel in some situations.
Everything the character says, does and thinks is useful to explain the character's actions or intentions. The context can help the readers to conclude and make inferences so they could better understand the character.
The controversy of women getting paid less than men was because people thought that women IS NOT the same as men. In the past, women were looked at as property or some fragile little thing that ONLY has the job of carrying children in the family and take care of the house. Also this depends on what timeline you are looking at, but women would often have less education compared to men simply because of their gender. Women are expected to be "proper" whereas men "manly." Now in the present, some men still have that traditional thoughts like how women can not be as great as men, which is why they would be payed less.