This is an example of Addiction
Addiction is a repetitive habit that degenerates or causes some harm to the addict and those who live with him. The limit between a habit and addiction lies in the consequences they have on the person's life. Addiction takes the individual away from his essence and makes him focus more on obtaining pleasure through dependence than on the life he used to lead.
A Hebrew man named Abraham is the founder of Judaism
This was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. In present time this Virginia. Established by the Virginia company.
Selective learning is the answer to this question
There are four different types of parenting style:
1. Permissive.
2. Authoritative.
3. Authoritarian.
4. Uninvolved.
Authoritarian parenting style: Parents with an authoritarian parenting style is characterized by exhibiting low responsiveness and high demands towards the child. Their expectations are very high from the child, but poor at giving nurturance and feedback and also punishes the child harshly for any mistake. They control the child through coercion and power.
Example: Parents yell, and ask the child to collaborate by giving threats and fear.